
>> HeLa Epithelial Cells <<

The human epithelial cell line HeLa shares some properties with CHO epithelial cells from hamsters. The isolated cells are rather seldom (left image). They are polygonal with clearly devised cell borders. The adhesion pattern as accessible by TIRF microscopy after vital staining with Calcein dye is a combination of long isolated furrows, big adhesion plates and small adhesion dots.

HeLa cells tend to grow in groups. Click on the picture in the middle to show one. Inside the group cell borders cannot be clearly seen. Conversely, the cell borders facing the cell free environment are pronounced. The cell group perimeter touches the substrate closely while the surface attachment inside the group is rather loose.

The adhesion pattern HeLa epithelial cells is dynamic even if the cells do not migrate. The picture that opens upon clicking shows two HeLa cells. The B&W insert animates how the adhesion planes in a small cell area approach to and remove from the substrate.

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